Report No. 55: DC / MD / VA Billionaires & their Lucrative Loophole

23 Mar 2018
Washington Dc / Maryland / Virginia Billionaires & their Lucrative Loophole This report uses hedge fund and private equity data from Preqin to show that Washington D.C.—along with Maryland and Virginia—could raise huge sums of revenue by acting to close the carried interest loophole.... Read More

REPORT NO. 54 Hurricane Harvard and the Damage Done to Puerto Rico: How the University’s Endowment Investment Harms the Island

23 Jan 2018
Introduction Four months after Hurricane Maria, nearly half of Puerto Rico is still without electricity. The poverty rate is 46 percent, and even more – 58 percent – for children.[1] Over 80% of Puerto Rico’s agricultural crop value – around $780 million – was destroyed by the hurricane.[2] Its healthcare system, already facing austerity cuts, is in a state of crisis.[3]... Read More
Hedge Paper cover


2 Nov 2017
BILLIONAIRES WOULD DOMINATE ANY NEW YORK CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION If there’s one important thing tying together the biggest issues in government, politics and the economy, it’s the rise of a new class of billionaires that are destroying the economy, corrupting our government, exploding inequality and rigging the system for their own benefit.... Read More

Hedge Papers No. 51: Trump’s Wealthcare Plan: Helping Hedge Funds Profit From Soaring Drug Prices

23 Oct 2017
Trump’s Overlooked Wealthcare Plan: How He’s Helping Hedge Funds Profit from Higher Drug Prices & Tax Dodging at Everyone Else’s Expense Introduction: Trump, Hedge Funds, and the Pharmaceutical Industry In recent weeks, some opponents of the widely criticized Republican healthcare plan have started rebranding it wealthcare, given the mounting evidence that the plan would clearly benefit the wealthiest Americans and given them massive tax cuts.... Read More

Robin Hood Puerto Rico Vultures

20 Oct 2017
PUERTO RICO VULTURE: SETH KLARMAN Baupost Group, CEO   Holds $911 million in PR COFINA bonds Biggest bondholder in austerity lawsuit Hid vulture holdings in secret shell companies OFFICE:  10 SAINT JAMES AVE BOSTON HOME:  329 HEATH STREET CHESTNUT HILL MA $1.5 billion personal fortune Drove mass austerity in Greece, pay cuts in NYC Big investor in dirty fossil fuels & fracking Rigs political system to privatize schools & cut his own taxes PUERTO RICO VULTURE: PAUL TUDOR JONES Tudor Investment Corp.... Read More
Hedge Paper cover

HEDGE PAPER NO. 50: Corporate America to Investors: Trump is Bad for Business

28 Sep 2017
Corporate America to SEC:  Trump is Bad for Business Since Donald Trump came down the golden staircase inside Trump Tower to announce his candidacy on June 16th, part of his core economic argument has rested on the fact that he’s “really rich” and he’s going to “make the country rich.” At the debates, he argued in simplistic terms that his economic program would spur economic and job creation.... Read More

Hedge Papers No. 49: DAN LOEB’S TAINTED CASH

22 Aug 2017
TRACKING THE HEDGE FUND BILLIONAIRE’S MONEY IN NEW YORK POLITICS Recent events in Charlottesville are a sobering reminder that violent white supremacist groups are not the stuff of history, but a horrifying present-day reality for a country that continues to be torn apart by racism and the legacy of slavery. Though these groups do not claim the membership rolls that the KKK did in its heyday, they have risen to new prominence over the past year, supported by infrastructure like Breitbart News and effectively urged on by a billionaire who owes his presidency to the race lie.... Read More
Hedge Paper cover

Partner Report No. 6 with AFT: The Big Squeeze: How Money Managers’ Fees Crush State Budgets and Workers’ Retirement Hopes

19 May 2017
Introduction Over the last several decades, U.S. public pension funds have undergone a dramatic shift in investment strategy, with traditional stocks and bonds increasingly displaced by “alternative” investments, mainly hedge funds, private equity and co-mingled “real assets.”[1] The typical public pension fund now has nearly a quarter of its portfolio invested in alternatives[2]—structured as private, co-mingled funds that are generally less regulated,[3] more opaque, [4] volatile and, most significantly, charge much higher fees to investors.[5]... Read More

Partner Paper No. 5: The Looting of Puerto Rico’s Infrastructure Fund: Carlos M. Garcia’s destructive fiscal policies hurt Puerto Rico once, could it happen again?

16 May 2017
DOWNLOAD SPANISH VERSION HERE Executive Summary Carlos M. Garcia is profoundly conflicted as a former Santander[i] banking executive in his current role on the PROMESA control board, or the “Junta.” In the years preceding Governor Luis Fortuño’s election in 2008, Garcia built Santander Securities—the bank’s municipal bond business—while Jose Ramon Gonzalez, another Junta member, was at the head of the bank.[ii]... Read More

Partner Paper No. 4 with with Public School Parents in LA: Out-of-Town : Billionaires & Trump Backers Attempt to Hijack Local School Board Election

5 May 2017
The California Charter School Association (CCSA), directly and through its network of entities, has been the biggest spender in the 2017 election for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school board members to represent Districts 4 and 6, having spent over $4 million to-date.  Nearly all of CCSA’s political campaign funding comes from millionaires and billionaires.  ... Read More