Hedge Clippers to Cuomo: Stand with Puerto Rico — Not With Hedge Fund Billionaires

30 Jul 2015
July 30, 2015 Dear Governor Cuomo – It is with a growing sense of outrage that we write to you today about the horrifying debt crisis in Puerto Rico. This is a crisis that several of your top New York hedge fund donors are actively exploiting and deepening, in a shameless, morally repugnant effort to make as much money as possible.... Read More
Letter cover

#HedgePapers No. 17 – Hedge Fund Vultures In Puerto Rico

10 Jul 2015
HEDGE FUND Vultures IN PUERTO RICO They want huge profits – and they will push austerity to secure them Hedge funds and billionaire hedge fund managers have swooped into Puerto Rico during a fast-moving economic crisis to prey on the vulnerable island. Several groups of hedge funds and billionaire hedge fund managers have bought up large chunks of Puerto Rican debt at discounts, pushed the island to borrow more, and are driving towards devastating austerity measures.... Read More
Hedge Papers #17 cover

#HedgePapers No. 16 – Hedge Fund Billions Boost Cuomo’s Privatization Push

8 Jun 2015
HEDGE FUND BILLIONS BOOST CUOMO’S PRIVATIZATION PUSH Why Won’t Hedge Funders Confess Their Role in Multi-Million-Dollar Lobbying Campaign? More than $13 million has been spent since 2014 by two charter/privatization groups trying to eliminate New York’s cap on charter schools and win backing for an unprecedented tax credit that would divert huge amounts of public resources into private schools.... Read More
Hedge Papers #16 cover

#HedgePapers No. 15 – Cuomo’s Cronies: How Private School Billionaires Are Banking On Tax Credits From The Governor

28 May 2015
Cuomo’s Cronies: How Private School Billionaires Are Banking On Tax Credits From The Governor Cuomo’s Latest Scheme: Tax Refunds for Billionaires Who Donate to Elite Private Schools and Privatized Charter Schools Andrew Cuomo is probably the first Democratic governor in history to back tuition tax credits and taxpayer-funded subsidies to wealthy families who send their children to elite private schools.... Read More
Hedge Papers #15 cover

#Hedgepapers No. 14: The Gift of Greed – How Hedge Fund Philanthropists Increase Inequality

11 May 2015
The Gift of Greed: How Hedge fund Philanthropists Increase Inequality “Consider this … your Yom Kippur. You’re going to donate a lot of money. Not enough, obviously, to offset all the s- you’ve done, but a lot.” – Jon Stewart at Robin Hood Foundation gala in 2009[1] The governing boards of the Robin Hood Foundation, an anti-poverty charity, are a picture of the extreme and growing concentration of wealth in American society.... Read More
Hedge Papers #14 cover

#HedgePapers No. 13 – Hepatitis C and Hedge Fund Profiteers

4 May 2015
HEPATITIS C AND HEDGE FUND PROFITEERS Meet The Hedge Fund Managers Cashing In On Predatory Drug Pricing Schemes from Gilead Sciences For millions of Americans infected with Hepatitis C, the inflated prices of new Hepatitis C drugs from Gilead Sciences translate into limited access and prolonged illness. The pharmaceutical giant is charging as much as $1,125 per pill and $94,500 for a course of its lifesaving treatments, forcing health care systems to limit access, robbing patients of a decent quality of life, and forcing many into serious health problems and complications.... Read More
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#HedgePaper No. 12 – Cancerous Cash

3 May 2015
CANCEROUS CASH: HOW HEDGE FUNDS DESTROY AMERICAN HEALTH If you’re not looking carefully, you would never know that the Sohn Conference is actually a fundraiser for pediatric cancer – the promoters behind the event pretty much describe it as a hedge fund beauty pageant. » read more... Read More
Hedge Papers #12 cover

Open Letter to the Sohn Conference Foundation

2 May 2015
May 1, 2015 The Sohn Conference Foundation c/o EisnerAmper 750 Third Ave, 22nd floor New York, NY 10017 Board of Directors: Douglas Hirsch, Daniel Nir and Evan Sohn RE: Concerns regarding the Sohn Conference Foundation mission and scheduled speakers at the 20th Annual Sohn Investment Conference To the Board: We write to raise our serious concerns regarding the mission of the Sohn Conference Foundation and the scheduled speakers at the 20th Anniversary Sohn Investment Conference.... Read More
Letter cover

#HedgePapers No. 11 – High Frequency Hucksters

29 Apr 2015
Right Wing Financial Traders From The Suburbs Bet Big On The Philadelphia Mayoral Race: Why are a group of conservative traders bankrolling a self-described Democrat in the Philadelphia mayoral election? Anthony H. Williams enjoys a long history of support from the founders of Susquehanna Investment Group (SIG), a dark pool “high-frequency trading” firm based in the wealthy suburbs of Philadelphia.... Read More
Hedge Papers #11 cover

#HedgePapers No. 10 – The Double Standard of Success Academy

20 Apr 2015
Hedge Fund Hypocrisy: The Double Standard of Success Academy Success Academy – the charter-school chain and political launching pad for anticipated mayoral candidate Eva Moskowitz — is a favored charity for many hedge fund managers.           But beneath their rhetoric about fighting poverty and supporting academic achievement is a real double standard.... Read More
Hedge Papers #10 cover