#HedgePapers No. 28 – Hedge Funds and Fossil Fuels

10 Mar 2016
Fossil fuel companies are at the root of the climate crisis. Indeed, according to a recent study in the journal Climatic Change, the climate crisis of the 21st century “has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions generated since the dawning of the industrial age.”[1] ... Read More
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#HedgePapers No. 27 – Closing Wall Street’s Lucrative Loophole

7 Mar 2016
Across the country, states stand to gain many billions of dollars in revenue by closing the carried interest loophole. It’s a long overdue element of financial reform that the federal government has failed to enact.... Read More
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#HedgePapers No. 25 – Endangered Endowments: How Hedge Funds Are Bankrupting Higher Education

7 Feb 2016
The Harmful Role of Hedge Funds in University Endowments University endowments play an important role in the lives of students, faculty and other campus workers. Endowments are funded by donations, and universities use the investment returns to pay for improvements to buildings and facilities, provide scholarships, fund teaching and learning, and provide other services and economic support to the surrounding community.... Read More
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Partner Paper No. 3: Wall Street Money & Massachusetts Schools

17 Dec 2015
Hedge Clippers is happy to partner with Massachusetts Jobs With Justice to bring you a new expose on how huge amounts of out-of-state hedge fund cash is now pouring into Massachusetts to fund lobbyists and politicians with the aim of privatizing education in the Bay State. Read Wall Street Money & Massachusetts Schools Since 2014, hedge fund managers have spent millions to try to eliminate New York’s cap on charter schools, with much of that money funneled through Families for Excellent Schools.... Read More
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Partner Paper No. 2: All That Glitters Is Not Gold — An Examination of US Public Pension Investments in Hedge Funds

9 Nov 2015
A new report by our colleagues at the American Federation of Teachers and the Roosevelt Institute has found that public pension investments in hedge funds aren’t paying off. The eleven pension systems studied received absolutely no benefit from their investments in hedge funds, with high fees eating up all of the returns and stated investment strategies failing to pan out.... Read More
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#HedgePapers No. 24 – Puerto Rico Hedge Fund Vulture Holdouts

3 Nov 2015
Los Tiranos, Los Vampiros, y El Terminator (The Tyrants, the Vampires, and the Terminator) The Puerto Rican debt crisis has recently reached a new stage in negotiations between the government and its bondholders: deals have been reached with many creditors and ad hoc groups have fallen apart, but several creditors are continuing to hold out, intending to squeeze massive profits out of a Puerto Rico on the brink.... Read More
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27 Oct 2015
Your Boulder Debate Scorecard Billionaire hedge fund managers stand astride the worlds of Wall Street and Washington like giants, using millions in campaign cash and lobbying retainers to expand their wealth.... Read More
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#HEDGEPAPERS NO. 22 – Hedge Funds Attack American Health Care

30 Sep 2015
Billionaire Profiteers & Big Pharma A new analysis shows rampant speculation by hedge fund and private equity in the branded drugs that are rising fastest in price It’s not just one highly unethical man: dozens of high-flying financial speculators at hedge funds and private equity firms are driving up the price of pharmaceuticals across the country.... Read More

Open Letter: Antonio Weiss Must Recuse From Treasury’s Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Response

24 Sep 2015
September 23, 2015 Antonio Weiss Counselor to the Secretary United States Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20220 Dear Counselor Weiss: On behalf of the 13 undersigned national and community organizations, representing more than 9 million Americans, we are writing to ask you to recuse yourself from all Treasury activities relating to the debt crisis of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.... Read More
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#HedgePapers No. 21 – The Antonio Weiss Files: Vultures, Bribes & Conflicts of Interest in Puerto Rico

24 Sep 2015
Antonio Weiss must be recused from decisions on the Puerto Rico crisis Treasury official Antonio Weiss is currently leading the Treasury Department’s response to the Puerto Rico debt crisis. But Weiss received a $21,200,000 golden parachute from his previous employer, Lazard Frères, an investment bank with numerous ties to the Puerto Rico debt crisis.... Read More
Hedge Paper #21 cover